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  1. …in reply to @Luc_Gibson
    @Luc_Gibson There's a blog post here which outlines some of it: rknight.me/monzo-pot-image-generator/ Font Awesome has a json file with the config for all the icons on GitHub: github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/master/metadata/icons.json I'm using that in my build script github.com/rknightuk/monzo-pot-image-generator/tree/master/src/_data to output all the icons.
    1. …in reply to @rknightuk
      @Luc_Gibson In terms of it being searchable, it's actually kinda hacky and simple: github.com/rknightuk/monzo-pot-image-generator/blob/master/src/index.njk#L496-L502 I'm just showing or hiding the icons based on if the search keyword exists in the data-keywords attribute of the element: github.com/rknightuk/monzo-pot-image-generator/blob/master/src/index.njk#L323