🚨️ Intersect rknight.me/intersect/ A personal wiki I built using @eleven_ty. - Full text and link search - Code blocks with copy to clipboard - Popular pages from the @usefathom API - Recently updated pages from the git log - Companion Alfred workflow - Link and topic stats
Some good starting points: - Source code: github.com/rknightuk/intersect - Meta pages which includes sitemap, expanded readme, and build notes intersect.rknight.me/meta - Press "/" to open the search I wrote down everything I know (not really, but a lot of stuff).
While we're here, I dislike the term "personal wiki" but the alternatives of "digital garden" or "Personal Knowledge Management" are even worse. Why "Intersect"? It's named after the gov database from Chuck en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_(TV_series)
Even while building it the link search has been so useful. Now I actually have all those icon sets I like stored somewhere instead of having to try and google for them each time.
At the moment, it's mostly some very obvious (to me) code snippets and a lot of links (I went through a 10 year Instapaper archive). There's even a few blank pages. I won't be adding at the rate I have the last week or so but as I find things, or remember things, I'll add them.